Sunday, October 30, 2011

When did the Vietnam war start

A historical cold war era that started from 1st of November 1955 to 30th of April 1975 is referred as Vietnam War. This war is referred as the war with longest duration in the history. There was lot of reasons behind this war. The point to be noticed here is the name of opposition parties. This war started between South and North Veitnamese. This war started after first Indochina war and this was fought between North Vietnam. This was supported by the Government of South Vietnam and its communist allies. There were also some anti communists who supported this war fro United States. The people who controlled the common front were the Viet Cong. Viet Cong were South Vietnamese who were lightly armed. The army of Vietnam was busy in conventional war.
Communists take over:
 To put off the communist take over, The US government seemed involve in war as per strategy. This war was viewed as a colonial war by North Vietnamese government. First they all fought in the opposition of France. But later on they started fighting against South Vietnam. In the beginning of 1950 military consultant arrived there. In 1960s there seemed an action of US involvement. In 1961, US troop level was tripling and it continues up to 1962. In 1965 the organization of combat units were made. Operations were started with heavy bombardment. In 1968 when there was a time of Tet offensive, this involvement was at its peak. At this time US ground forces were asked to withdraw. This withdrawal was done according to the policy of Veitnamization. In January 1973, the fight was continued despite of the signed documents of Paris peace accords. In last months of the year 1973, US military again involved. It happened because as the case church amendment was passed by the US congress.
In 1975, North Vietnamese army did the capture of Saigon in the month of April. It was the time when the Vietnam War came to an end. At this time there was reunion of the North and South Vietnam. There was countless causality during this war. Human cost was proved as the biggest cost in the result of Vietnam War. Slightly less than one million people including soldiers and civilians lost their lives. If this conversation is concluded, we must see how long the duration this war had taken. But it was good that the results were up to the mark.


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