Sunday, October 30, 2011

Right ovarian pain

Now day’s there are seen a lot of serious problems in the ovaries. The major problem is the formation of cyst in the ovary. As a result of the cyst formation, severe pain is experienced by the female. This cyst is formed due to the use of unhygienic sanitary napkins which is used in the duration of menstrual cycle. If you use the low quality napkins then you may face the other different kind of problems as well as the pain in your ovaries. Most of the women in the whole world use the low class napkins then they face the different problems.

Pain causing factors:

 Some time the pain is caused by the dirty panties. It is also the big issue which is seen in the period’s days. There are a lot of other major troubles come as a result of the pain in the right ovary. Some time cyst forms in the right ovary which has the different reasons. Some time you eat the fatty food as well as the other different causes is there. If you intake the cold and frozen drinks that time it can create this pain. Some times fats are accumulated in the ovary which blocks your periods. If there is a blockage in menstrual cycle then you can face the other different problems regarding fertility. You can not reproduce furthermore if your period problem is blocked once. In the start of pregnancy you feel the pain in your both right and left ovaries but some time you feel the severe pain in your right ovary because it is slightly upper than the left one. When the pregnancy starts then you feel the pain in your ovaries off and on. Before the start of your monthly problem which is called periods you should be careful about the cold things because it can create the serious problem in your daily life. If the period is obstructed then you can not reproduce. This is the main factor of the pregnancy. The pain in your right ovary is also due to the different problems. Woman has the two ovaries. These ovaries create the egg in each month and when the egg is broke then the certain bleeding is come from your ovaries. This cycle is called the menstrual cycle in the woman. Ovarian pain is not bearable. Sometimes this pain gets severe and woman may unable to walk or even move.


It is said by the doctors that ovarian pain should be treated immediately to avoid the serious problems in women. 

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