Sunday, October 30, 2011

How b2b product marketing is different than B2c product marketing

B2C marketing or Business to Consumer marketing are the marketing efforts directed toward end users, consumers or customers of the products the company is offering. On the other hand B2B marketing or Business to Business marketing efforts are done when at both end there are companies. There are many differences between the ways marketing experts approach both the types of marketing as each one has its own requirements. Companies following B2C or B2B model both have their own pros and cons. For instance, Microsoft and Apple earns more from their B2C campaigns, whereas companies like Linux believe in making bigger deals at corporate levels to earn more from less number of clients instead of earning less from number of clients. Both types of companies are successful and can face disasters as well. So there is no particular model that can be called best, it has to be chosen according to the business model of the organization.
Lack of Impulsive decision in B2B:
In B2B marketing marketers expecting the impulsive purchase are living in foolish paradise. B2C customers can get attracted by watching the product and can go for it without knowing much about it. B2B marketing efforts are more detailed and have to convey a lot of valuable technical knowledge to make the efforts successful.
More Negotiable Prices in B2C:
Although it more related to sales not marketing, but prices are always negotiable in B2B environment. In B2C usually the retail and wholesale prices are the only options available. In B2B the bulk quantity of order, negotiations, potential to get future business and other factors force the companies to always stay flexible with pricing of their products.
Effect of Mass Promotional Efforts in B2C:
Mass marketing is suitable for B2C customers as it is hard to address each customer or potential customers individually. Television, radio, newspaper, Internet Ads and other such mass level marketing activities are usually enough for making a B2C campaign a success. In B2B marketing world mass advertising is of no or very little use. Instead directed marketing efforts according to each target organization and word of mouth are considered best promotional efforts.
End users v/s Business:
Unlike the situation when there is a consumer or customer at the receiving end of the marketing campaign in B2C, the B2B customer may not be the consumer of the product. In B2B the business has more knowledge about its needs and specifications of the products it needs. On the other hand in B2C need has to be raised in the end users by marketing campaign. For instance, if a business needs a particular piece of machinery it does not need to be informed that they need that particular part, but a B2C customers needs to be reminded that without having a particular brand clothing or shoes is the way to go and a must have in the repository. However, sometimes the new products need to be introduced to the companies that can increase the company efficiency and profitability.
Importance of Product Knowledge in B2B:
It is rare to encounter a domain or product experts in B2C marketing efforts, whereas the B2B customers are mostly very sharp and know what you are talking about and are of course hard to convince. B2B customers are approached by many companies to adopt their products so they know what is going on in the market and where the technology is heading. Catchy slogans and funky campaigns may attract the B2C customers but in B2B solid and concrete features, promotions have to be offered.
Hierarchy of decision makers in B2B:
In B2C marketing usually the decision makers are less in numbers. For instance, for buying furniture for home only husband or wife needs to be convinced. On the other hand in B2B environment multiple people need to be approached and convinced. Hardly there are companies present where a single person can take the decision. So B2B marketers expect addressing the Board of directors in their marketing efforts.
Tenure of the Business:
There are no long term business agreements expected out of B2C marketing efforts. Customer loyalty is definitely is there in the back of mind, but on ground there are no contracts signed and there are no explicit obligations both parties have with each other, barring country’s consumer and health safety laws. In B2B marketing efforts company seek to have the long term agreement signed with the target organization. According to the agreement both parties have some obligations and rights which they need to fulfill.
Business to Business or B2B marketing efforts are different from the Business to Consumer or B2C marketing campaigns. In B2B more people need to be convinced. The products in B2B are of more monetary value at individual item or bulk level and are generally more complex than consumer goods. In B2B the results are expected in due course of time and overnight success is rare. B2B customers cannot follow just their instinct as they need to make an educated and well directed research based decision beneficial for their company.

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