Sunday, October 30, 2011

Gallbladder pain

Gall bladder is a small organ in the human body that is located near the liver. It functions as a store house for the storage of bile.  Bile is responsible for the digestion of food. Basically bile is very necessary element for the digestion of macromolecules like lipids and proteins in the process of emulsification. Gall bladder is thought to be as non vital appendage in the body that stores the digestive juice. This bile is prepared by the special organ found in liver. It is not impossible to live without gall bladder. Fair level of human health can be maintained without this organ. If there is any problem in the gall bladder, doctors can remove it without any hesitation. If the gall bladder is removed, bile is directly taken up by the small intestine where digestion process continues. Gall bladder can be malfunctioning because of any disease.  Women pass through this disease more than men. Once pain is increased from mild to severe, it is removed. Hence this causes the severe pain in gall bladder. Jaundice can be a very extreme case experienced by the patient.

Causes of gall bladder:

There are countless causes of Gall bladder pain. A very well known cause is the gall bladder stone. This disease is very common among youth. These stones are solid enough. These are made up of saturated salts, calcium or cholesterol. There are some factors that can contribute to the gall bladder stones. The major one is family history of high cholesterol level and being obese. The symptoms of gall bladder pain are seen because of two types of diseases. First is the pain that is faced in the result of inflammation in the gall bladder. Second is the pain that is caused by the gallstones in the bile duct. Both diseases are called Cholecystitis, Choledocholithiasis respectively. There are some cases where gall stones may be asymptomatic. Often, it is observed that almost 91% of the people suffer from gall stones show no symptoms at all. There is only a mild pain in the gall bladder area. The symptoms are seen in about 10 years later the stone is formed. Gall bladder pain is sometimes very mild to be ignored easily but sometimes it becomes severe and patient has to move immediately to doctor for treatment.


If the conversation is concluded, we must say that gall bladder pain may be severe or mild; it totally depends upon the cause behind the pain.

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