Sunday, October 30, 2011

Advantages of Open Source Phone Systems

The traditional phone systems are no more secured and cheap for the most. Especially if you have friends and family members residing in different areas of the globe, you need to make long distance calls which prove to be quiet expensive after all the hype created by the telecom companies. This is no more a feasible solution for the businesses as well on account of bulk calls being made around the world. The businesses need to coordinate with their local as well as their offices based in different geographical locations. Moreover, the speed is important because large finances are involved in business. The communication with stakeholders has to be secured and private which can be ensured by the conventional systems of telephone.

For the same reason, such software have been developed which allow easy and reliable communication and does not cost you much either. The open source telephony are a source of satisfaction for the business world because they can be easily customized, offer a variety of features and can be expanded widely depending upon the number of extensions your business needs. The open source telephone systems also allowed the customers to have a sigh of relief because formerly, they also had to pay large sums for the long-distance calls

At point of time, the PBX i.e. Private Branch Exchange was very popular but with the introduction of open source telephony, it has lost its importance. The PBX had the ability to dial 3 to 4 digit extensions in addition to the facility of voice mail but it was very expensive and cumbersome for the businesses. The process of adding on different equipment to enhance its performance was a complex one and required to have the expertise of trained people which is again difficult. Again the costs increase manifold when you hire someone to install the ad-ones.
Besides the open source telephony is more based on the software and the quality of voice and service is unmatchable. You can get in touch with almost anybody in any corner of the world. The extensions created through the open source telephony have the respective voice mails which are further connected to the internet accounts of the employees. This system makes it easier for the staff top coordinate about the official matters over a secured connection. The administration of official matters becomes far easier and smoother than the earlier times. Moreover, it also offers a special system by which the call register can be maintained online and an automatic system of database is developed recording the incoming and outgoing calls.
The use of open source telephony is the most common in the call centers where thousand of calls are made on daily basis and the facility increases the revenues of these businesses by reducing the costs and improving their performance. On the basis of the above mentioned advantages, many and large small businesses are turning towards the open source telephone systems because they are basically the software which allows ready and fastest means of communication. 

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